Texas Metro Observatory

Research, Reports, & Resources
We have begun collecting reports, articles, and other publications about metropolitan Texas. This includes both original TMO products as well as the work of affiliated researchers in the TMO network.

Data & Tools
TMO has collected data from sources throughout the state and is processing the data into publicly available dashboards.

Planet Texas 2050
Texas’ population could double by the year 2050. Extreme weather events will bring more floods, more droughts, and more heat. Our state’s resources can’t support those demands. Making Texas resilient is our grand challenge.
Phase 1: Equitable and Regenerative Cities Flagship Project
Where do you get your groceries? Do you compost? Do you like tacos? Planet Texas 2050, a University of Texas at Austin Research Grand Challenge, is launching a new project called Equitable and Regenerative Cities. The first phase of the project is looking at our food system, and we are collecting stories from people across Texas to learn more about their relationships to food and the food system. We will use insights from those stories to develop new approaches and strategies for reducing waste and making a healthier, more equitable food system. And if you share your food story, you’ll get a $25 gift card! To learn more about the project and share your story, visit our project website. Contribute your own food story and be a part of this important work!
Picture Credits
Library: Wikimedia Commons, Salle de lecture Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve n02.jpg
Texas: Wikimedia Commons, West_Texas_wildfires_satellite_Apr_15_2011.png